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Pennsylvania State and Local Taxation

Client Services

Nationally recognized for their expertise, our attorneys assist business and individual clients in all aspects of Pennsylvania state and local tax matters, including personal income, corporate, sales and use, and real estate taxes. These services include tax planning, advice in the preparation of Pennsylvania tax returns, performance of sales and use tax refund audits, analysis of tax assessments, and representation before the Board of Appeals of the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue, the Board of Finance and Revenue, and local county Boards of Assessment, as well as preparation and litigation of appeals to courts of appropriate jurisdiction. We assist clients in obtaining letter rulings from the Department of Revenue, in resolving tax administration problems, and in developing strategies to minimize interest and penalties.

Keefer Wood Allen & Rahal, LLP, also provides information to its corporate clients regarding significant administrative determinations, tax legislation, and rulings and pronouncements by the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue. Additionally, we are available to provide advice as to significant corporate tax developments during the preceding year to assist clients in the preparation of their Pennsylvania tax returns.

The following individuals are engaged in the practice of state and local taxation at Keefer Wood Allen & Rahal, LLP:
